Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Haiku--Give me a Sign

Here are the haikus for last week:

Two stars to the right
go straight 'till you hit morning
Call me when you're close.
--Jesse O.

Call it in the air
Heads, okay it’s tails again
Try two out of three.
--Lauren D.

Stop, one Way, detour,
Pedestrians prohibited,
Speed limit, dead end.

You ask for one, I give you 6. GO ME!!!
--Kathy C.

Wave won't pass through origin.
Show me a cosine.
--Ben C.

Circles in the corn,
Water in the glasses too!
Swing away, my boy!
--Lisa B.

So here is your sign,
man in the lame Ford Focus.
You can't pimp your ride.

Your wussy Hummer
will not save you in a war.
Turn off that blinker.

Orion's Belt won't move!
I need a shooting star, not
dumb constellations.
--Statuesqe TC.

Next week's haiku theme: Slippery Slope

1 comment:

bhbardo said...

rusty needled bough
recourse! full moon streams healing
resin flows like tears